System Verilog (SV) language has object-oriented constructs primarily used in verification. Verification programs in SV use object-oriented structures called classes to achieve their functionality. The relationships between classes are utilized in the execution of the object-oriented program. Relationships define how the …
For students pursuing degree in Electrical/Electronics, one of their core industries is Semiconductor industry. Companies in Semiconductor industry contribute to making of hardware chips which are used in computers, smart phones, cars, and various electronic devices. Semiconductor industry has grown …
In this blog post, we will go over the implementation of interrupt handling in the UVM Test bench(TB) environment. In a DUT, typically there will be one or more interrupt pins. Related to interrupts, TB When there are multiple functionalities in a …
In the chip development process, the functionality of a chip is captured in RTL code typically written in a Hardware descriptive language. RTL code is functionally verified. monitor Functional verification of a chip is done by writing a test bench. A testbench is …